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雪茄行业延续着粗口径的趋势,而总部位于比利时的米瑞菲(M. Meerapfel Söhne)雪茄公司朝着反方向前进,他们近期在梅尔(Meir)系列里增加了两款口径较细的尺寸:朗斯代尔、大皇冠。如今这两款新尺寸产品已经向零售商发货。

米瑞菲家族早在1610年就在德国开始种植烟叶。梅尔系列是以梅尔米瑞菲(Meir Meerapfel)的名字命名的,他1876年在德国的一个名为安特格隆巴克(Untergrombac)的小镇建造了米瑞菲雪茄厂。梅尔是米瑞菲公司现任董事长耶利米(Jeremiah)的曾祖父。如今,米瑞菲家族在西非致力于种植喀麦隆烟叶,也委托一些雪茄制造商为他们生产优质雪茄。





As the thick cigar trend continues, Belgian cigar company M. Meerapfel Söhne—best known for its cultivation of Cameroon tobacco—is going in the opposite direction. Meerapfel is adding two relatively slender sizes to its Meir line: a Lonsdale and a Corona Gorda. The cigars are shipping to retailers now.

The Meerapfels began growing tobacco in 1610 in Germany. The Meir line is named in honor of Meir Meerapfel, who in 1876 built the Meerapfel cigar factory in Untergrombac and is great-great grandfather of Jeremiah Meerapfel, the company’s chairman. Today, the Meerapfels specialize in growing Cameroon leaf in West Africa, but also have premium cigars produced for them by various manufacturers. 

Not much is being revealed about the production of the cigars from the Meir line. They’re made in the Dominican Republic but the Meerapfels aren’t saying exactly where. Other than the Cameroon wrapper, the blend for Meir is also undisclosed, though the company did state that the cover leaf has been aged more than 20 years.

Measuring 5 1/2 inches by 46 ring gauge and 6 3/4 by 43, respectively, the Corona Gorda and Lonsdale bring the Meir line up to six sizes, joining the Robusto, Double Robusto, Pyramid and Churchill. A Lancero is planned for release at a later date.

The cigars, which are intended to be medium in strength, are on the pricier side with the Corona Gorda retailing for $43 (46 euros) and the Lonsdale for $51 (55 euros).

Meir cigars come packaged in slim, single-layer boxes of 25, unusual in the cigar world. Production is limited to 613 boxes of each size.

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