| 帕拉森 PLASENCIA_雪茄柜湿度55要加湿吗-麦雪茄_古巴雪茄_中国雪茄_非古巴小雪茄烟红白酒品牌网
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暴龍雪茄威士忌玩家小百科 | 帕拉森 PLASENCIA_雪茄柜湿度55要加湿吗

暴龍雪茄威士忌玩家小百科 | 帕拉森 PLASENCIA

帕拉森 早於1865年,內斯特·帕拉森(Nestor Plasencia) 的曾祖父唐·愛德華多·帕拉森(Don Eduardo Plasencia) 家族從加那利群島(Canary Islands) 移民到古巴的下維爾他(Vuelta Abajo) 地區開始種植雪茄葉,其後三代經營,直到1965年遷到尼加拉瓜,歷經家族五代耕耘,目前是全球最知名和優質的高端雪茄kaiyun(中国)体育 之一, 為30個不同kaiyun(中国)体育 生產雪茄,擁有8家雪茄工廠(4家在尼加拉瓜,4家在洪都拉斯),合共9,000名員工,每年生產4,000萬支雪茄,更是全球最大的高端茄衣生產商和雪茄葉供應商。 PLASENCIA As early as 1865, Nestor Plasencia's great grandfather, Don Eduardo Plasencia's family, immigrated from the Canary Islands to the Vuelta Abajo region of Cuba to start growing cigar leaves. They operated for three generations until they moved to Nicaragua in 1965. After five generations of family cultivation, Nestor Plasencia is currently one of the world's most well-known and high-quality high-end cigar brands, producing cigars for 30 different brands. They have 8 cigar factories (4 in Nicaragua and 4 in Honduras), a total of 9000 employees, and produce 40 million cigars annually. They are also the world's largest high-end cigar wrapper manufacturer and cigar leaf supplier.

帕拉森 系列 | PLASENCIA series

鄉魂系列 鄉魂系列帶來完美平衡而複雜的煙氣,散發咖啡和堅果的香氣。雪茄帶奶油及辛辣感。餘韻能在您的味蕾上留下持久的印象。 Hometown Soul Series The Hometown Soul series brings perfectly balanced and complex smoke, emitting aromas of coffee and nuts. Cigars have a creamy and spicy texture. The aftertaste can leave a lasting impression on your taste buds.

火魂系列 火魂系列雪茄帶源自奧梅特佩島的火山土壤的激情。雪茄帶辛辣,伴以柑橘、烤腰果和番石榴木的鹹味。來自賈拉帕谷地的茄衣經帕拉森精心挑選,為雪茄帶來甜美的特質。 Fire Soul Series The Fire Soul series cigar straps are inspired by the passion of the volcanic soil on Ometepe Island. Cigars are spicy, accompanied by a salty taste of citrus, roasted cashews, and guava wood. The cigar wrapper from the Jarapa Valley is carefully selected by Parasen to bring a sweet quality to the cigar.

烈魂系列 烈魂系列為您帶來最獨特的配方。陳年煙葉以最帕拉森最優質的土壤培育,突顯其充滿活力和濃烈的味道。烈魂系列雪茄帶絲絲黑巧克力、梨子和肉桂的味道,最後以橡木和糖蜜的味道收尾。 Liehun Series The Liehun series brings you the most unique formula. Aged tobacco leaves are cultivated in the highest quality soil, highlighting their vitality and strong flavor. The Liehun series cigars have a hint of dark chocolate, pear, and cinnamon flavors, and end with oak and molasses flavors.

收獲146系列 收獲146系列來自2011-2012年間收成的煙葉。系列標誌著帕拉森家族誕生146週年。煙葉由洪都拉斯、尼加拉瓜最優質的地區種植,為您帶來獨特的風味。收獲146系列雪茄味道濃郁,帶複雜且甜美的口感。 Harvest 146 Series Harvest the 146 series of tobacco leaves harvested between 2011-2012. The series marks the 146th anniversary of the birth of the Palassen family. Tobacco leaves are grown in the finest regions of Honduras and Nicaragua, bringing you a unique flavor. Harvest 146 series cigars have a rich flavor with a complex and sweet taste.

收獲149系列 收獲149系列雪茄味道濃郁且均衡。是帕拉森的第一款由洪都拉斯生產的雪茄。煙葉源自各產區於2014年的收成。在陳釀的過程培育出沈實的特質。149系列是一款濃郁的雪茄。帶明顯的奶油、黑巧克力和微妙樸實的雪松味道。 Harvest 149 Series Harvest the 149 series cigars with a rich and balanced flavor. It is the first cigar produced in Honduras by Palassen. Tobacco comes from the harvest of various production areas in 2014. Cultivate a solid quality during the aging process. The 149 series is a rich cigar. With obvious cream, dark chocolate, and subtle plain cedar flavor.

收獲151系列 收穫151是帕拉森新推出的全新雪茄系列。口味濃鬱,帶有可可、杏仁麵包以及奶油的味道。這款新產品是為了紀念帕拉森在 1865 年起計完成的第 151 次雪茄葉收成。 Harvest 151 Series Harvest 151 is a brand new cigar series launched by Palassen. The taste is rich, with flavors of cocoa, almond bread, and cream. This new product is designed to commemorate the 151st cigar leaf harvest completed by Palassen since 1865.

珍藏1898系列 珍藏1898 系列以各種姿態呈現其優點。雪茄產自尼加拉瓜和洪都拉斯種植的優質煙葉,為您帶來厚厚的愉悅感。品吸過程先帶巧克力、淡淡的核桃、無花果和皮革味道。最後再以淡淡的胡椒味收尾。 Collection 1898 Series The 1898 collection presents its advantages in various forms. Cigars are made from high-quality tobacco grown in Nicaragua and Honduras, bringing you a thick sense of pleasure. The tasting process begins with a hint of chocolate, walnuts, figs, and leather flavors. Finally, it ends with a light pepper flavor.

經典珍藏系列 經典珍藏系列的味道源自於5個多世紀前歐洲人初達新大陸的味道,是世上第一且唯一一支經認證的有機手捲雪茄。雪茄帶堅果、水果及焦糖味。最後以微妙的杏仁糖及一絲雪松味道作結。 Classic Collection Series The flavor of the Classic Collection is derived from the taste of Europeans who first arrived in the New World more than 5 centuries ago, and it is the world's first and only certified organic hand rolled cigar. Cigars have nutty, fruity, and caramel flavors. Finally, it ends with a subtle almond candy and a hint of cedar flavor.

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