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这是一款55环径的粗雪茄,只要看一眼,你就知道为什么它更为人所知的名字是飞猪。这款完美型号的雪茄在当时那个年代就已经很粗壮了,而且几十年来还保持着相当大的影响力。外表略带盒压状,看起来很蓬松,外形绝对华丽,点燃后,起初有一些薄荷味,随后像是浓厚的有嚼劲的木头味,最后,有一些姜饼的味道,还有一些草药和矿物质的味道,甚至你还能感受到黑胡椒的力量,这是一段有趣的品鉴体验。品鉴人是《Cigar Aficionado》杂志的编辑大卫·萨沃纳。


Pudgy, pressed and absolutely gorgeous, one look at this 55-ring-gauge cigar and you know why it’s better known as the Flying Pig. This Cuban perfecto was fat for its time and has retained considerable power over the decades. It’s quite minty at first, with lots of dark, chewy wood. Later, it takes on some gingerbread notes, but also has some herbal qualities and considerable minerality, with some black pepper power. Such a fun piece of history to smoke.  —David Savona

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