登喜路kaiyun(中国)体育 1980年代停产,那些存世之作在几十年后变得不可思议。这款可爱的大皇冠尺寸雪茄大概在1960年代出厂,距今已经接近60年了,在点燃大概半英寸之后就开始绽放风味,起初有一些泥土的味道,随后加入了杏仁糖、榛子、德国巧克力的温暖、甜味和浓郁。每吸一口都会感受到越来越好的味道,着实令人惊叹。品鉴人是《Cigar Aficionado》杂志的编辑大卫·萨沃纳。
These cigars were discontinued in the 1980s, and decades later, they’re beyond marvelous. This lovely corona gorda blossoms with flavor about half an inch after being lit. Earthy notes on the outset are joined by warm, sweet and rich flavors of marzipan, hazelnut and German chocolate. Gets better with every puff. Astounding. —David Savona
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