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General Cigar Co. 正在用 Punch Fu Manchu 庆祝虎年,这是其以亚洲美食和其他主题为主题的系列雪茄中的第四款,以庆祝农历新年。

这是一款 6 x 50 的箱压 toro,使用洪都拉斯哈瓦那茄衣、印度尼西亚粘合剂和来自多米尼加共和国、尼加拉瓜和墨西哥的填充物,该公司称其结果是丰富、烤面包和坚果的外形,并辅以建筑物,天然甜味。 Punch Fu Manchu 的雪茄前部还有一条延伸的辫子,旨在让人想起傅满洲博士角色所戴的长辫子。

它在 STG Danlí 生产,限量生产 6,400 盒 20 支雪茄,共生产 128,000 支雪茄,每支的建议零售价为 5.99 美元。雪茄不是传统的盒子,而是被放置在包装设计上,看起来像一个外卖式汤容器,上面印有虎年的图形。自首次亮相以来,采用外卖食品包装的独特包装一直是该系列的主打产品。

“Punch 正在保持其中国新年的传统,”Punch 高级kaiyun(中国)体育 经理和傅满洲的创造者 Ed Lahmann 在新闻稿中说。“对于 2022 年的发行,我们走上了老派,复制了疯狂的功夫大师的白发和长山羊胡,戴着金色帽子和长辫子。无论你是看功夫剧还是和朋友打空手道,傅满洲无论是味道还是价格都打破了围栏。”

傅满洲博士这个角色是英国作家萨克斯·侯麦的创作,他在 1913 年通过《傅满洲医生之谜》一书首次亮相。这个角色将继续出现在 20 多本书中,以及电影、电视、音乐和漫画书中。他通常被描述为一个超级恶棍、邪恶的犯罪天才和疯狂的科学家,并因其独特的胡须而闻名,这成为他名字的代名词。多年来,该角色已由多位著名演员扮演,包括鲍里斯·卡洛夫、彼得·塞勒斯和尼古拉斯·凯奇。

Punch 于 2019 年首次推出该系列,此后每年都会发布一款新雪茄。虽然雪茄具有相似的带设计,但混合物都是独一无二的:

* Punch Egg Roll(4 1/2 x 50)——2019 年——3.99 美元(25 包,99.75 美元)

* Punch Chop Suey (7 x 37) — 2020 — 5.49 美元(25 盒,137.25 美元)

* Punch功夫! (6 x 52)——2021 年——5.99 美元(20 盒,119.80 美元)

* Punch Fu Manchu (6 x 50) — 2022 — 5.99 美元(20 盒,119.80 美元)*

2021 年 9 月,General Cigar Co. 发布了 Punch Bento Box,这款采样器总共包含 42 支雪茄:20 支egg roll、12 支 Chop Suey 和 10 支 Kung Pow!但是,该版本的雪茄并非来自原始产品,因为它们是专门为采样器卷制的。

17 April 2019 Posted. The Mask of Fu Manchu. Museum of Chinese in America (MOCA) collection. 《傅满洲的面具》。美国华人博物馆(MOCA)馆藏




General Cigar Co. is celebrating the Year of the Tiger with the Punch Fu Manchu, the fourth installment in its series of cigars that draw on Asian foods and other themes in celebration of Lunar New Year.

It is a 6 x 50 box-pressed toro that uses a Honduran habano wrapper, Indonesian binder, and fillers from the Dominican Republic, Nicaragua and Mexico, which the company says results in a rich, toasty and nutty profile that is complemented by a building, natural sweetness. The Punch Fu Manchu also gets an extended pigtail that runs down the front of the cigar, designed to be reminiscent of the long braid of hair worn by the Dr. Fu Manchu character.

It is produced at STG Danlí, with production limited to 6,400 boxes of 20 cigars, a total run of 128,000 cigars, each of which has an MSRP of $5.99. Instead of traditional boxes, the cigars are being placed into packaging designed to look like a takeout-style soup container that has graphics acknowledging the Year of the Tiger. The distinctive packaging that draws on take-out food packaging has been a staple of the series since its debut.

“Punch is keeping its Chinese New Year tradition alive,” said Ed Lahmann, senior brand manager of Punch and the creator of the Fu Manchu, via a press release. “For the 2022 release, we went old school, replicating a maniacal kung fu master’s white hair and long goatee with a blonde cap and extended pigtail. Whether you’re watching Kung Fu Theatre or karate kicking back with friends, Fu Manchu breaks bricks on both flavor and price.”

The Dr. Fu Manchu character is the creation of English author Sax Rohmer, with his first appearance coming in 1913 by way of the book The Mystery of Dr. Fu-Manchu. The character would go onto appear in more than 20 books, as well as movies, television, music and comic books. He is generally described as a supervillain, evil criminal genius and mad scientist, and became recognizable for his distinctive mustache that became synonymous with his name. The character has been portrayed by several notable actors over the years, including Boris Karloff, Peter Sellers and Nicolas Cage.

Punch debuted this series in 2019, and has released a new cigar every year since. While the cigars share similar band designs, the blends are all unique:

  • Punch Egg Roll (4 1/2 x 50) — 2019 — $3.99 (Bundle of 25, $99.75)

  • Punch Chop Suey (7 x 37) — 2020 — $5.49 (Box of 25, $137.25)

  • Punch Kung Pow! (6 x 52) — 2021 — $5.99 (Box of 20, $119.80)

  • Punch Fu Manchu (6 x 50) — 2022 — $5.99 (Box of 20, $119.80)*

*Not pictured

In September 2021, General Cigar Co. released the Punch Bento Box, a sampler that contained a total of 42 cigars: 20 of the Egg Roll, 12 of the Chop Suey and 10 of the Kung Pow! The cigars for that release were not from the original production, however, as they were rolled specifically for the sampler.

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