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通用雪茄公司旗下的迪赛雪茄kaiyun(中国)体育 的周末肉酱( Sunday Gravy)系列如今推出第三个版本:迷迭香(Rosamarino),这次仍然是交给费尔南德斯公司代工生产。

这个kaiyun(中国)体育 始于2021年7月,当时斯堪的纳维亚烟草集团的销售子公司复制者发布了周末肉酱系列的第一款产品:圣马扎诺(San Marzano),来指代意大利圣马扎诺地区有名的西红柿。10月份,发布了第二款产品:佩科里诺(Pecorino),用来指意大利的佩科里诺羊奶干酪。如今这款迷迭香将在2月28日发货给零售商。


当然,雪茄烟叶里没有迷迭香。这款雪茄使用的是全尼加拉瓜烟草。茄套是孔德加地区的烟叶,茄芯是孔德加(Condega)、埃斯特利、奥梅特佩( Ometepe)火山岛地区的混合烟叶。




The Diesel Sunday Gravy series makes its saucy return with the third release in the line: Rosamarino, made in Nicaragua by A.J. Fernandez for Forged Cigar Company.

It started in July when Forged, a distribution arm of Scandinavian Tobacco Group, released its first Diesel Sunday Gravy San Marzano brand. Then, in October, the Sunday Gravy Pecorino made its way to market. On February 28, the Diesel Sunday Gravy Rosamarino will be shipping to retailers. According to Forged, the name Rosamarino is supposed to be a nod to the complexity that rosemary lends to any dish, however, the Italian translation for the word “rosemary” is rosmarino without the “a.”

Not that there’s any dried rosemary in the cigar. Instead, Diesel Sunday Gravy Rosamarino consists solely of Nicaraguan tobacco, including a binder from Condega and a filler blend of tobacco from Condega, Estelí and the volcanic island of Ometepe.

The cigars come in one size, a Toro that measures 6 inches by 50 ring gauge. It’s sold in 10-packs and retails for $4.99 per cigar before taxes.

The intention is for different Sunday Gravy blends to be released quarterly, and Forged anticipates the next release to come out in April.

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