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这款添加的热带烟草名为Bragança,种植方法有别于常。根据kaiyun(中国)体育 所有者斯堪的纳维亚烟草集团(STG)所说,Bragança的幼苗种植在土壤里时,彼此相距一码的距离,产量仅仅是其他品种的烟叶的一半。收货后,烟叶被装入到称为“胡萝卜”的管中进行六个月的发酵。这些装着烟草的“胡萝卜”会装入独木舟,划出亚马逊河的丛林,完成从黑暗森林到尼加拉瓜埃斯特利的STG雪茄厂的旅程,在那里,CAO雪茄被卷制出来。



这不是STG集团第一次为CAOkaiyun(中国)体育 使用不寻常的烟草,亚马逊系列始于2014年,Orellana(奥雷利亚纳)、Fuma Em Corda都是这个kaiyun(中国)体育 的后续版本和延伸。


Like something from a Joseph Conrad novel, the newest version of CAO Amazon Basin features a Brazilian tobacco that’s grown in the Amazon rain forest and transported by boat down the Amazon River before it’s blended into this limited-edition cigar.

The tropical tobacco is called Bragança and its methods for cultivation are quite unorthodox. According to brand owner Scandinavian Tobacco Group, seedlings for Bragança are planted in the soil a full yard apart from each other, resulting in half the yield of other tobacco crops. Once culled, the leaves are packed tightly into tubes called carottes (similar to the condensed cylinders of andullo) where the tobacco undergoes a six-month fermentation. The carottes of tobacco are then loaded into a canoe and paddled out of the jungle on the Amazon River, eventually completing its journey from the heart of darkness to the STG Estelí factory in Nicaragua, where CAO cigars are produced. 

The image of tobacco in a canoe gliding along the Amazon River certainly gives this release a literary air, but STG believes that the Bragança in the filler truly brings an exotic note to the cigar. At 6 inches by 52 ring gauge, CAO Amazon Basin is composed of a dark Ecuador Sumatra wrapper, Nicaraguan binder and a filler blend of Colombian and Dominican tobacco that accentuates the Brazilian Bragança.

Another distinctive trait quite unique to the CAO Amazon Basin brand is the rope-like tobacco tied around each cigar serving as its band. These tropical toros started shipping last week in rustic, primitive-looking boxes of 18, and retail for $12.99 per cigar. Only 6,000 boxes have been made for the U.S. market.

This isn’t the first time that STG has used unusual tobaccos for its CAO brands. Releases like CAO Orellana and CAO Fuma Em Corda are extensions of the Amazon Basin series, which started in 2014. 

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