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亚历克·布拉德利公司的年度珍稀系列( Fine & Rare )终于要发货了,预计四月份可以发往零售商。这个系列原计划2021年11月份上市,但是因为供应链问题导致了延误。

kaiyun(中国)体育 创始人鲁宾说,消费者早在11月份已经开始期待珍稀系列年度版本的上市,我们对延迟感到失望,但我们还是很高兴BC-(13)4EV 最终推向市场。


BC-(13)4EV只有一个尺寸,50环径粗,7英寸长,丘吉尔型号。限量生产2500个高光蓝色盒。只在美国地区销售。每盒11支包装,11这个数字是纪念珍稀系列发布11周年,其中一支是赠品BC-(13)4EV-B 。税前是260美元一盒。这个赠品雪茄单独包装在一个深色的木制棺材盒里。赠品雪茄的具体尺寸和烟叶混合没有披露。



Alec Bradley’s annual Fine & Rare is finally getting ready to roll out this April. It was originally scheduled to come out in November 2021 but supply chain issues caused a delay.

“Alec Bradley brand advocates have come to expect the arrival of the annual release of Fine & Rare to tobacconists in November,” said Alec Bradley founder, Alan Rubin. “We are disappointed by the delay, but we are still very excited to bring BC-(13)4EV to market.”

The blend for Fine & Rare changes with each release but it always features 10 different tobaccos in the blend. The BC-(13)4EV has a Honduran Criollo ’98 wrapper from the Trojes region; binders from Honduras and Nicaragua; and seven fillers all hailing from Nicaragua and Honduras. Only a single pair of rollers are tasked with making Fine & Rare.

Offered in one size, the BC-(13)4EV is a Churchill measuring 7 inches by 50 ring gauge. Production is limited to 2,500 high-gloss blue boxes, which will retail in the U.S. for $260 before taxes. While Fine & Rare usually comes in boxes of 10, a bonus eleventh cigar called the BC-(13)4EV-B will also be included in the set to commemorate 11 years since Fine & Rare debuted. The bonus smoke comes in a dark wooden coffin. Dimensions and blend details for the BC-(13)4EV-B are not being disclosed. 

Like all Fine & Rare releases before it, the new cigars are made in Honduras at the Raices Cubanas factory.

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