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第6名,幻觉十字军罗布图(Illusione Cruzado Robusto)

幻觉雪茄公司的十字军(Cruzado)产品线一度被公司的其他新品所掩盖,但是今年,这款罗布图给我们带来这个kaiyun(中国)体育 最令人印象深刻的表现,它成为人们关注的焦点。

十字军是2008年问世的,作为幻觉雪茄旗下口味相对不那么浓郁的一个替代产品线,要知道,幻觉的核心产品线的浓度很强。2016年,kaiyun(中国)体育 所有者迪翁·乔利托(Dion Giolito)对十字军进行了改造,外包装盒烟叶混合都做了改变。甚至连代工厂都换了,从洪都拉斯换到了尼加拉瓜的TABSA工厂,也就是现在的阿加诺萨烟厂(Aganorsa Leaf)。




The Cruzado line from Illusione has been overshadowed a bit by newer releases from the company, but this year, it stepped into the spotlight when the Robusto gave us the brand’s most impressive performance.

Cruzados first came out in 2008 and were presented as a less full-bodied alternative to the core Illusione line, which is quite strong. Then, in 2016, brand owner Dion Giolito gave Cruzado a makeover, changing the packaging and the blend. He even changed the factory, moving production from Honduras to the TABSA factory in Nicaragua (now called Aganorsa Leaf). What we have today is a cigar that’s more focused and detailed than it ever was before. The blend also serves as a stellar showcase for the Nicaraguan tobacco grown by Aganorsa. Illusione tends to rely heavily on Aganorsa’s tobacco, an element that Giolito prefers regardless of the brand. On full display with Cruzado is the Corojo wrapper that the company classifies as being “rosado” in shade and color.

In typical Illusione fashion, the boxes and bands are encoded with mysterious markings and curious symbols. Giolito is tight-lipped about the meanings behind the packaging design. Perhaps there’s something subliminal in the logo that suggests the cigar’s up-front notes of espresso, hickory and black pepper, as well as its refined layers of nuts and cocoa powder. Or maybe, it’s just the tobacco.

第7名,奥利瓦V系列米拉尼奥马杜罗丘吉尔(Oliva Serie V Melanio Maduro Churchill)

奥利瓦V系列米拉尼奥似乎不需要改进,凭借苏门答腊种子烟叶的茄衣和尼加拉瓜烟草的大胆混合,这款雪茄是一款非常复杂的烟,在批评和商业方面都取得了成功。奥利瓦继续将它提升到一个新的水平,它推出了马杜罗版本,将苏门答腊茄衣改成了墨西哥圣安德烈斯(San Andrés)茄衣,将一支已经非凡的雪茄变成了绝对的重磅炸弹。


雪茄是50环径粗,7英寸长,盲评得分93分。在尼加拉瓜的塔波利萨雪茄厂(Tabolisa factory)生产。展现了丰富、富豪的奢华气质,从德国巧克力蛋糕的香气开始,延伸到烘焙香料、麦芽巧克力和生动的雪松香气。这款大丘吉尔有点花费时间,但是我们认为你值得花这个时间。

比利时的J. 科特斯公司2016年收购了奥利瓦kaiyun(中国)体育 ,但是已被证明是这个kaiyun(中国)体育 值得尊敬的管家,一直保持高标准,年复一年的将奥利瓦雪茄送入年度前25名的榜单。


It’s not as if the Oliva Serie V Melanio needed improvement. With its Sumatra-seed wrapper and bold blend of Nicaraguan tobacco, the cigar was already a complex smoke that was both critically and commercially successful. This didn’t stop Oliva from taking it to the next level, which it did when it came out with the same cigar in a maduro version. Changing the Sumatra wrapper to a dark leaf of Mexican San Andrés turned an already extraordinary cigar into an absolute blockbuster.

The Oliva Serie V Melanio Maduro Churchill is powered by its core of Nicaraguan tobacco but the Mexican cover leaf adds a new dimension resulting in a complete work of balance and substance.

The cigar is made in Nicaragua at Oliva’s Tabolisa factory and shows a luxurious procession of rich, regal character starting with notes of German chocolate cake that segue into a smoke of baking spices, malted chocolate and lively, cedary accents. Polished and precise, the large Churchill is a bit of a commitment, but we urge you to take that time.

Since purchasing the company in 2016, Belgian owner J. Cortès has proven to be a worthy, respectful steward of the brand, maintaining the high standards that continue to put Oliva on the Top 25 list year after year.

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