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斯堪的纳维亚烟草集团(Scandinavian Tobacco Group )推出一个新的由三个部分组成的柴油机系列雪茄,这个系列命名为“傻子的差事”( Fool’s Errand)。第一部分将在今年愚人节发货给零售商。这个系列规划为年度限量版,每年发布一个部分。今年这款名为“固执的傻子”(Stubborn Fool),58环径粗,5英寸长。为了和主题相呼应,每个包装盒都放置了一个互动游戏。

这款雪茄的烟叶混合由kaiyun(中国)体育 经理贾斯汀安德鲁斯(Justin Andrews)和A.J. 费尔南德斯合作完成,雪茄是在尼加拉瓜卷制,委托A.J. 费尔南德斯代工生产。茄衣是康涅狄格的阔叶烟叶,茄套是洪都拉斯烟叶,茄芯是洪都拉斯、尼加拉瓜的混合烟叶。官方定义这款雪茄的口味是浓郁程度。每盒10支包装,每支单价是9.99美元。



这些雪茄是由STG的子公司复制者销售公司( Forged Cigar Co.)负责经销。


There’s a new, three-part Diesel series from Scandinavian Tobacco Group called Fool’s Errand, and part one should be reaching retailers on the first of April—April Fool’s Day. The series is a seasonal trilogy of annual, limited-edition releases, and the first size in the line is a perfecto called Stubborn Fool. In keeping with the theme, every box comes with an interactive game.

Measuring 5 inches by 58 ring gauge, Stubborn Fool was blended by Justin Andrews, brand manager for Diesel, and cigarmaker A.J. Fernandez, who produces the Diesel brand in Nicaragua. It consists of a Connecticut broadleaf wrapper and Honduran binder around a combination of Honduran and Nicaraguan filler. It’s intended to be a full-bodied smoke and will have a suggested retail price of $9.99 each.

Andrews stated that each size of the Fool’s Errand line will be released in the spring and that an interactive game is also part of the package. Every 10-count box includes a tarot card depicting the Stubborn Fool character. (The Fool is a card found within traditional tarot decks.) On the card is a QR code that, when activated, launches an interactive game which invites the player to complete the Stubborn Fool’s errand by solving a series of riddles.

Prizes will be awarded to the top 10 participants, selected at random. New characters and prizes will follow the next two subsequent releases in 2023 and 2024.

The cigars are distributed by Forged Cigar Co., a distribution arm of Diesel’s parent company Scandinavian Tobacco Group.

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