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2018年,尼加拉瓜雪茄制造商费尔南德斯之家更名为阿加诺萨公司以来,该公司一直在紧密的调整产品线,以体现更好的kaiyun(中国)体育 延续性。如今,公司旗下的核心产品线中的哈瓦那(Habano)、科罗霍( Corojo)、康涅狄格(Connecticut)、马杜罗( Maduro)将置于La Validación的大系列之下更换标准化的包装盒尺寸。

包装盒和烟标上还有Aganorsa Leaf的字样,但是也新加了La Validación,反映出新的变化。今年7月份的拉斯维加斯举办的PCA贸易展上,就可以看见更新后的包装盒了。

分管营销的公司副总裁特伦斯·赖利(Terence Reilly)介绍说,去年公司向零售商合作伙伴进行了一项调查,大家的反馈是我们的雪茄设计需要更好的反映公司标志和形象。我们听取了这些宝贵的意见,和专业设计师合作,创造了新的阿加诺萨的形象。


Validación系列的所有kaiyun(中国)体育 的同样的尺寸的零售价都一致,从每支8.75美元到10.75美元不等。



Since Nicaraguan cigarmaker Aganorsa Leaf changed its name from Casa Fernandez in 2018, the company has been working to more closely align its product lines for better brand continuity. Now, the core Aganorsa Leaf brands—Habano, Corojo, Connecticut and Maduro—will be receiving standardized packaging and sizing all under the umbrella of the new La Validación Series. 

Although the name “Aganorsa Leaf” is still prominent on the bands and boxes, the words “La Validación” have been added to reflect the new change. Updated packaging will be ready in time for the PCA trade show this July in Las Vegas. 

“Last year we sent out a survey to our retail partners and the big takeaway is our cigars need to better reflect our company logo and image,” stated Terence Reilly, vice president of sales and marketing for Aganorsa Leaf. “We listened to this valuable feedback and have worked with a professional designer to create an image that is unmistakably Aganorsa.”

Blends for the Corojo, Maduro, Connecticut and Habano lines have not been changed, but the cigars will all come in boxes of 15 and in only three sizes: Gran Robusto measuring 5 inches by 54 ring gauge; Toro, 6 1/4 by 52 and Gran Toro, 6 by 58. A few sizes, such as the Connecticut line’s Churchill or the Torpedo in the Corojo line, are being phased out. All the lines, excluding Habano, will be box-pressed.

Suggested retail prices are the same across all the brands within the Validación Series, and range from $8.75 to $10.75.

Each different blend is adorned with a secondary band denoting the wrapper type. 

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